среда, 13 января 2010 г.
Orchids are beautiful and those are unbelievable and those are striking and magical and so on. Orchids are flowers that are different from all other according to everything. People say it is a rose the queen of flowers but I disagree and I want to express my own point of view. So, according to me it is an orchid the queen of all flowers and plants and the whole flora world. One can never give you the bunch of orchids because it is the lonely flower, if it is okay to say so, orchid always take one in the bunch because it is the best way to see all those sides of orchid’s beauty. Each flower is different from others and that is why there is no way to put it into the mass of flowers, it has to be left alone in order a person had chance to see all those delicate and beautiful features of orchid. Women, that prefer orchids before other flowers, are women different from others and they always want to be the only flower in the bunch. One cannot put this woman in the same row with other girls; she will never let him do so. You have to make your choice whether it is bunch of flowers or a single orchid.